Merissa Guerrero

Is there a difference between feeling embarrassed or being ashamed in yourself or in your situation?



 It may not seem like there is difference, however there is. That difference being the time it takes for one to recover from that feeling or situation that once hindered them. It may take a while or a few minutes for one to realize that they are no longer affected by that feeling. One of these feelings is seen as short terms affect and the other is a long term affect. Embarrassment will be the short term affect, for it slowly fades away as time goes on and they forget why they were embarrassed. The one affected realizes it was not as big of deal as it seemed. Later, that feeling of embarrassment will turn into a good laugh. On the other hand, shame is a long term affect and can often times deeply affect and person and their views of themselves and anyone else involved. Being ashamed of yourself or your situation can feel as if there is a cloud hanging over your head as a constant reminder of that shame that one feels. It often times is difficult to forget. Being embarrassed or ashamed comes in different forms and can affect different ages.

House on Mango Street

Children feel shame and embarrassment
 Everyone in their lifetime will experience both of these affects. Even at a very young age a child can experience the feeling of shame and embarrassment. Not the typical accident children make and they blush and turn bright red from being embarrassed, but ashamed of themselves. Embarrassment and Shame have two separate meaning. One can be embarrassed about something that had occurred and eventually laugh about it later. Shame or being ashamed is on a different level. One can be ashamed of themselves or their situation and it stays with them for some time. Sandra Cisneros captures this feeling of being ashamed through the eyes a young girl, in her work, The House on Mango Street. At a young age a child can be aware of their family's situation and feel embarrassment from it. This is common and heartbreaking to know that many children are aware of worst situations that are occurring. The main character, Esperanza, is a young girl but is aware of more than most people around her. She is very observant and understands many situations that are above her age level. Esperanza comes from a not so fortunate family and they struggle every now and then. She is well aware of this and is ashamed of the house she lives in the area she lives in. Once a nun from her school had asked her where she lived and when Esperanza had pointed out her family’s little red house the nun’s response was, “You live there?”. The nun’s response had made Esperanza feel like nothing. Through the book, Esperanza constantly attacks her home and the area in a negative way and is ashamed of her and situation. For a young child to be able to say that they feel like nothing is heartbreaking. Children should not be focused on the type of house they live in nor should they ever feel like nothing. Children need to focus on being carefree and enjoying the time they have as a child. As an adult they can then worry about their living situation and other issues that hinder them. Even as adults no one should feel embarrassed or ashamed of what they have, but instead feel blessed with what they have. Even if it is not what they wish they had and if needed they should reach out for help.

Food Banks on Campus

It's very common for people to hide their feelings and emotions. This adds stress to their original dilemma that was hindering them. Many people refuse to cry out for help, because they are embarrassed to ask for help.  Asking for help should not be viewed as a negative feeling. Many people choose not to ask questions or ask for help, because they are embarrassed to. This should not be the case. There are many people in the world willing to assist those in need and just waiting to be asked. No one likes to admit that they need help, especially in college. Many students are scared to ask questions during class, because they fear someone will judge them or they are embarrassed to ask for help. Especially during hard economic times people refuse to ask for help. Hard times have hit everyone in some way or another. For some, it is not a dramatic change that causes trouble down the road. Unfortunately for others, it is as if their world has been turned upside down. Money can be an enemy or a hero. For most college students it is an enemy, because it takes over everything around the whether it's paying for tuition or a meal. As the years go by, prices are rising and people are unable to keep up. Most college students are working part time jobs to save up extra money for necessities they need to survive. The main necessity is food. Food is fuel for their brain to help them succeed with their studies. With how the economy is these days, many college students are unable to afford food. Across America there are several college students that are unable to feed themselves and go to bed hungry. They will go to bed hungry, because they are embarrassed to ask for help. Most are ashamed to admit it. Luckily there is always someone seeking to provide help. Even though many students are ashamed of their situation and will not speak up for themselves, others are speaking out for them. Across the United States many universities are now carrying food banks on campus for students. The food banks found on campus have sparked life back into students that were once hiding under their shame. The food banks are mostly collected donations and are based on whatever people are able to donate. It is absolutely anonymous and students do not need to sign any paperwork or provide their information to secure them from any further embarrassment. No one should ever feel ashamed of the situation brought before them, but instead seek assistance.

 There is always someone in need of help and there is someone seeking to help. There is no need to be embarrassed to ask for help, most people have jobs that are designed for only assisting others. Luckily, in today’s world there is always a helping hand, one just needs to speak up to find it. It is truly amazing how all ages can be affected by the same emotions. Many do not see children as being as to feel ashamed of themselves, like in Sandra Cisneros book, House on Mango Street. But unfortunately they do feel the same feelings as adults do. Shame and embarrassment come in different forms, but they can always be avoided. No one should ever feel embarrassed or ashamed of themselves. Positivity is the key to eliminating these harsh feelings. People should find a positive aspect in every situation they encounter and make the best of whatever it is that they do have and try to better the worst of the situation.


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